3 Rules for Great Skin

3Rules_For_GreatSkinWear SPF daily (and not just in the summer). People tend to apply sunscreen on days when they’re in the sun most, but that strategy won’t cut it, says Ranella Hirsch, a dermatologist in Boston. “You’re not getting the bulk of your sun from that one day; you’re actually getting about 85 percent of your sun just driving your car, walking to the subway, and sitting at your desk [if you’re near a window],” she says. “Find a way to make applying sunscreen easy on yourself.” Instead of adding a new step to their routine, Hirsch advises her patients to trade in basic moisturizer for one with SPF, such as Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer SPF 50, and to apply once in the morning and then again if they’ve been sweating. Look for moisturizers with SPF 30 or higher.

Don’t neglect your hands. Nothing gives away your age quite like they can—but you don’t need to work too hard to help prevent the signs of aging. Simply rub the same moisturizer and anti-aging formulas that you use on your face on your hands. “Patients are used to being you told you need 14 products for morning, and 14 for night,” says Hirsch. “But make it simple. If you’re doing it on your face, just do it on your hands.”

Take off your makeup before bed. After a long day, that’s easier said then done—and it’s okay to give yourself a little bit of leeway, says Heidi Waldorf, associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. “If you went to the gym or a party and have been sweating while wearing makeup, that’s when it’s most important [to remove it at night],” she says. If you’re feeling lazy, use a makeup remover wipe—it’s almost as good as washing your face with water, and a vast improvement over hitting the hay with a dirty face.

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